
📂 Create a Dataset from a local folder for On-Prem installations


This guide explains how to use the API to trigger dataset creation and processing for the visual layer. You will learn how to construct and send an API request to initiate dataset processing.

API Endpoint

http://[host]:2080/api/v1/process?path=[full data folder path]&name=[dataset name]

Request Parameters

hostThe server address where the API is hosted.
pathThe full path to the data folder containing the files for processing.
nameThe desired name for the dataset.

Example Request

Assume you have a dataset stored at /data/project/images on the server, and you want to create a dataset named visual_analysis_01. Your API request should be:

API Response

Upon successful execution, the API will return a JSON response indicating the status of the dataset creation process referring to the dataset_id.

Example Response

    "status": "success",
    "message": "Dataset processing started",
    "dataset_id": "12345",
    "name": "visual_analysis_01"

Error Handling

If there is an issue with the request, the API will return an error message. Possible errors include:

  • Invalid Path: The specified path does not exist.
  • Missing Parameters: Either path or name is missing.
  • Server Error: Internal server issues preventing processing.

Example Error Response

    "status": "error",
    "message": "Invalid path specified"

Additional Notes

  • Only one dataset can be precessed at a time.
  • Additional datasets will be refused as long as there is a processing dataset in progress.
  • Ensure the API server is accessible and running.
  • The specified path must be valid and contain the necessary files for processing.
  • The dataset name should be unique to avoid conflicts with existing datasets.


By following this guide, you can efficiently trigger dataset creation and processing using the API. If you encounter issues, check the error messages or consult your API administrator for further troubleshooting.