
Enrichment FAQs

Can I run enrichment on a subset of data?

  • Once initiated the enrichment process will run on the entire dataset. Partial dataset enrichment will be supported in the future.

Can I run the same model again on the dataset?

  • User cannot re-run the same Visual Layer models on a dataset. Models that were already used to enrich datasets are marked as Enriched. See "VL-Image-Tagger" notation below.
Enrich: example: "VL-Image-Tagger" was already used to enrich dataset.

Enrich: example: "VL-Image-Tagger" was already used to enrich dataset.

Are there any dependencies between models used for enriching my data?

  • In order to run VL-Object-Captioner, VL-Object-Detector must run as well.

Who has permissions to enrich a dataset?

  • Only the dataset owner will be able to enrich the dataset. Other users who share the dataset will not be able to view the Enrich tab.

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