How to convert VL exported file by tagging to a csv file
Here is a short version of a JSON file example:
"info": {
"schema_version": "1.1",
"dataset": "General pics",
"description": "Exported from General pics at Visual Layer",
"total_media_items": 2
"media_items": [
"media_id": "01305347-b812-4717-99a3-aab54a206d4c",
"file_name": "000000046252.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480,
"metadata_items": [
"type": "object_label",
"properties": {
"category_name": "person",
"bbox": [148, 177, 127, 188],
"metadata_items": [
"type": "user_tag",
"properties": {"tag_name": "test-tags"}
"type": "object_label",
"properties": {
"category_name": "shirt",
"bbox": [192, 194, 75, 65]
"media_id": "1058e9c8-de4f-40a4-901b-c2e1ac442373",
"file_name": "000000012639.jpg",
"width": 480,
"height": 640,
"metadata_items": [
"type": "object_label",
"properties": {
"category_name": "vest",
"bbox": [28, 368, 80, 118]
This the code to convert the Json to CSV:
import json
import csv
# Load JSON file
input_file = "metadata_5.json" # Change this to your actual file path
output_file = "output.csv" # Output CSV file name
with open(input_file, "r") as f:
data = json.load(f)
# Prepare CSV file
header = ["filename", "x", "y", "w", "h", "label", "user tag"]
rows = []
# Extract data
for media in data.get("media_items", []):
filename = media.get("file_name", "")
for item in media.get("metadata_items", []):
if item.get("type") == "object_label":
properties = item.get("properties", {})
bbox = properties.get("bbox", [0, 0, 0, 0])
label = properties.get("category_name", "")
user_tag = ""
# Extract user tag if available
for meta in properties.get("metadata_items", []):
if meta.get("type") == "user_tag":
user_tag = meta.get("properties", {}).get("tag_name", "")
# Append row
rows.append([filename, bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3], label, user_tag])
# Write to CSV
with open(output_file, "w", newline="") as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
print(f"CSV file saved to {output_file}")
This is an example of how the output should look (in a CSV format):
Filename | X | Y | W | H | Label | User Tag |
000000046252.jpg | 148 | 177 | 127 | 188 | Person | test-tags |
000000046252.jpg | 192 | 194 | 75 | 65 | Shirt | test-tags |
000000012639.jpg | 28 | 368 | 80 | 118 | Vest | test-tags |
Updated about 1 month ago