

In this section, we address common issues and provide troubleshooting tips to help you overcome obstacles. Additionally, we offer various support channels, including our community, product and documentation feedback, and direct contact with our dedicated support team, to assist you in resolving any issues you may face.


Issue #1: Failure to run exploration

Error Message:
Details: Running exploration failed due to run() operation not being previously performed.
Resolution: Apply run() prior to applying explore().

Issue #2: Failure to perform run() operation

Error Message: Fastdup was already applied.
Details: Running failed due to an existing run interfering with the execution of the new one.
Resolution: When performing run() operation, use parameter run(overwrite=True).

Issue #3: Failure to parse input directory

Error Message: AssertionError: Failed to find input dir please check your input.
Details: The input directory supplied to fastdup wasn’t found.
Resolution: Make sure that the provided input directory exists and is accessible.

Issue #4: Failure to run on the provided work directory

Error Message: AssertionError: there is already an active fastdup run on the working dir, change work_dir or run with overwrite=True” When attempting to run().
Details: The provided word directory already supports an existing fastdup run.
Resolution: Either stop the existing run or provide a second work directory.

Issue #5: Failure to run due to port 9999 being in use.

Error Message: Could not launch the Visual Layer application on your machine because port 9999 is already taken.
Details: The port fastdup uses is already occupied. This could be due to:
Another application using the port.
And existing explore() running on said port.
Resolution: Free the port for fastdup’s use.

Visual Layer Cloud


Errors are problems that completely prevent the Dataset from being added. Datasets with Errors should always appear first in the Inventory, before other Datasets. The progress bar will be replaced with the message “Error creating Dataset." Under this message, you will see a detailed explanation of what the problem was.

You can dismiss an Error, thus removing the failed Dataset card and the information associated with it.

Possible Error types:

Error TypeImpactSuggested Mitigation
File uploaded is corruptedDataset creation failsEnsure that the file was properly saved or exported from the original source.
Verify that the file format is supported by our system. If possible, try uploading the file using a different format.
File is protected by passwordDataset creation failsRemove password protection from the compressed file and try again.
Dataset Image limitation exceededDataset creation failsConsider splitting the Dataset or only adding a subset of the Images in it.
Dataset file size exceededDataset creation failsConsider splitting the Dataset or changing the Image format in the Dataset.
Internal server errorDataset creation failsTry to create the Dataset again. Contact our support team if the problem persists.

If any of the above problems persist, contact our support team for further assistance. Please provide any relevant details, such as the file type and any error messages you encountered.


Warnings are problems that allow the Dataset to be added but limit some of the functionality around it. In case of a Warning, the Dataset will be successfully created, and you will be presented with a Warning indication on the header within the Dataset details page. Hovering over this indication will show details of the Warning(s).

Possible Warning types:

  • Annotations were not in the expected format
  • Too many Objects in the Dataset (over 1M Objects)

Still need help?

Feel free to use the Community or contact our support team at [email protected]